Sauce Blog

North American Finish Lines with Logan Diekmann
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Close-Up With Minty Bradford
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February 01 2024 – SAUCE Info
2024 Sauce Ambassadors!
We would like to introduce four new Sauce Ambassadors for the upcoming 2024 ski season! These spectacular athletes participate in different sports, at varying levels of difficulty, and they come from all over North America! Tate Solomonson is a multi-sport athlete who competes nationally in both biathlon and canoeing. Tate is on the Sovereign Lake Academy team, and...
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September 26 2022 – Sauce Info
Work Hard, Play Hard
As the summer winds down, we are starting to shift our focus to the upcoming winter and ski season. With the nordic ski season upon us soon, we’ve taken another look into the life of an athlete who competes in this snowy sport. We love this opportunity to learn something from various nordic ski athletes and teams, and we want...
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May 19 2022 – Sauce Info
Saucy Sublimation
This past winter season has been one for the books in both demand for products and difficulty in delivering those products (thanks, COVID!). However, our small team has persevered through it all and, in my opinion, successfully made it almost all the way through the season with only minor production casualties. How do we accomplish so much, in our...
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March 01 2022 – Sauce Info
Goal Setters
Welcome back to the Sauce Blog’s short feature series on elite nordic ski teams! Our last blog, Life Lessons Learned on Skis, featured BSF Pro team member and graduate from Bates College, Graham Houtsma and how he overcomes adversity. This go-around, we focus our attention on the Alpine Insurance Alberta World Cup Academy, based in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. The...
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December 03 2021 – Sauce Info
Life Lessons Learned on Skis
Sauce creates custom headwear for many different sports teams and events across North America with a significant amount being elite nordic ski teams. These top level athletes have been competing in the sport for many years and have gotten to the impressive level they’re at now through hard work, determination, and passion. We were able to talk to these...
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November 15 2021 – Sauce Info
No Excuses!
Written by Taryn Y. – new addition to the Sauce team! No Excuses! Hello winter! We are now smack in the middle of November, which is technically still fall but in many regions, it's beginning to take on a rather winter-esque theme. While some of us at Sauce are so excited for the snow to fall and to finally...
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October 25 2021 – Sauce Info
Sauce-tastic Halloween Costumes
Anyone from a cold climate such as Bozeman has been there – you pick out the perfect Halloween costume and you’re completely in character, all the way down to the last stray hair or vampire fang. But wait! Your costume only includes a thin silk shirt and cape, or maybe a short dress and tights, and it’s 35°F (1.6°C) and...
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October 20 2021 – Sauce Team
Fun Run!
This is one of my favorite run workouts. It incorporates several components to keep things exciting. Plus, when you know what’s coming you can push yourself harder! Do all the parts together for an hour run, or break it down into pieces for a shorter workout. Part 1: Ease into it with this progressing warm up. Walk 1 minute, Run...
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October 20 2021 – Sauce Team
Reduce Injuries With This Post Run Stretch
Running is a great way to get in shape, reduce stress, and stay healthy, but don't forget to take care of your muscles afterwards lest you push it too hard and injure yourself! While there is no way to prevent injuries entirely, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk. For runners especially, stretching is an important step...
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October 20 2021 – Sauce Team
Hot Head
By Katie Thomas Is it true that we lose most of our body heat through our heads? Depends whom you ask. That doesn’t seem to be a question easily answered with a simple yes or no. But anyone who lives in a cold climate and has tested the question personally can tell you that YES certainly seems like the logical...
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October 20 2021 – Sauce Team
Post-Workout Recovery
By Katie Thomas The Oxford Dictionary of Current English defines recovery as “the action of returning to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.” For anyone who exercises regularly, hard, or both, post-workout recovery is a step not to be skipped. It’s important to take time out of our busy lives to get back to that “normal state” —...
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October 18 2021 – Sauce Info
What's In A Name?
One thing that customers and fans of the Sauce brand all want to know is: why “Sauce”? This is a brand for outdoor apparel, not a restaurant! So why the food-related brand name? Once upon a ski race circa 2000 (the beginning to the age of the blog), Sauce founder Shayla Swanson was a racer training for a national...
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October 15 2021 – Sauce Info
5 Helpful Tips for Designing a Hat (That You Can Incorporate Into Your Special Sauce Contest Entry!)
Just like writer’s block, artist’s block is also a very real and very irritating thing. As you sit and stare at the blank page in front of you, sometimes you need a little bit of help in coming up with a design that knocks the socks off the viewer. Or wins a this case, both would be good! ...
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October 15 2021 – Sauce Team
Post Exercise Recovery Nutrition
The weather is beautiful and it is time to get outside and train strong and smart for all of your upcoming endurance events. Whatever your endurance event may be, it helps to know how to maximize your time and effort to get the greatest results. It also helps to have enough energy left after training that you can still function...
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February 01 2021 – Shayla Swanson
Our Partnership with Sarah Angst Art in Bozeman, Montana
Sauce joins Sarah Angst Art! Two creative, Canadian, entrepreneurs team up to offer beautiful functional hats and headbands to keep you warm this winter and beyond. Sarah Angst grew up in Winnipeg, Canada and attended the University of Minnesota - Duluth for college. In 2007 she moved with her husband to Bozeman, Montana where she took the plunge to become...
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August 01 2018 – Sauce Team
Our Saucy Sewing Team
#WhoMadeMyClothesDo you ever wonder who made your clothes? Most companies wouldn’t be able to provide you with an easy answer to that question, but we can! The Sauce on your head (or body) was made by Laura, Linda or Karen! These three lovely women have been the driving force behind our Bozeman production for the past several years and have...
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July 12 2018 – Sauce Team
The Sauce Splat!
Welcome to Behind the Seams. Although domestically produced goods are making a comeback, the days where everyone knew how to sew are long gone. For most people, the steps that go into making the pants on your legs, or the hat on your head are largely unknown. There is a LOT that goes into each and every item we make and we...
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June 13 2018 – Sauce Team
Leg Days: 3 Must-Do Exercises for your Lower Body
Printable PDF of the workout Exercise #1: This is a great exercise to work on improving balance on the trail as well as strengthening ALL the muscles in your legs and hips. 1. Start with feet hip-width apart, hands at hips. Step back to a lunge with your right leg while keeping most of your weight on your front foot (left...
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