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North American Finish Lines with Logan Diekmann

March 13 2024 – SAUCE Info

We were extremely proud of Sauce Ambassador Logan Diekmann for his season so far and qualifying to compete in the Canmore and Minneapolis World Cups that happened earlier this season! It was super fun to see a lot of our Sauce fans out in person to cheer on the best skiers in the world – including Logan! We had the opportunity to chat with Logan about what it was like to compete in “home” World Cups and what he learned from the experience…


First, tell us a little bit about how your season has been going so far??

The season has been going well so far! I've had a tough time motivating myself for every one of my races, so with the help of my sports psychologist (Nicole Detling) down in SLC, I've spent more time focusing on what I really love about skiing. Usually, my love for the sport comes from getting to be outside every day and spending time with my friends and teammates. So, that's what I have been focusing on lately and the results I have had are just a byproduct.



Was this your first time competing in a World Cup in North America?

Yes! It was actually the first World Cup in North America since 2019.


What made racing "at home" different from racing in Europe?

So many things made racing "at home" different and better than racing in Europe.

For starters, in order to get to Canmore, I hopped in the Bozeman Ski Foundation (BSF) team truck and drove 8 hours from home in Bozeman to the venue. Typically, it's a 24-hour travel day to Europe in order to race a World Cup.

Then there is any language barrier to consider. Obviously, most people in Europe speak English, but there are often at least some communication difficulties to deal with when going out to do anything that’s not ski related. In Canmore and Minneapolis, you could go anywhere and do anything while feeling right at home.

Probably most importantly, our friends and family were able to come watch!



What is something you learned from racing in these North American races?

I've always said that the World Cup isn't really any different than a big SuperTour race.

There are typically more fans and a few more hoops to jump through, but for all intents and purposes, they are both ski races.

Racing in North America really reminded me that when I go over to race a World Cup in Europe, there is nothing to be scared of or intimidated about, it's just a fancy version of what I've done for years now.


What is your favorite memory of being at the Canmore/Minneapolis World Cups?

For starters, the fans were electric out there! But also getting to race in a heat with Klaebo and Canavat, head-to-head, and feel like I belong was amazing!


What is next? What are your goals for the rest of the season and then long term?

I am in Lahti, Finland now and will race the skate sprint on March 3rd before heading home to Bozeman for a couple weeks to prepare for SuperTour finals in Duluth, MN.

After that, I will finish my season in Jackson Hole and Sun Valley with a new set of late season races.

My main goal for the rest of the year is to enjoy as many seconds of ski racing that I possibly can. I will focus on all of the fun aspects of these race trips, like being with my teammates, until race day in order to feel my best.

After it's all over, I'll take the month of April off and enjoy other aspects of life until I am ready to make the big decision of whether I want to ski again next season.


Thanks, Logan, for taking the time to answer our questions about what it is like to be racing in the World Cup! It is super interesting to learn from your experiences as an athlete and we can’t wait to keep cheering you on!