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Sauce: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Shu Mui: Hi!  I am a validation engineer based in Texas.  In my spare time I love to climb, bike, hike, scuba dive, and explore new locations in general.  There are still so many sites on my bucket list; seeing the aurora borealis is one of them!  If I am not outside, I also enjoy editing photos and watching movies and TV shows with friends and family.

Sauce: What was the inspiration behind your design?

Shu Mui: 2024 is the year of solar activity. The total solar eclipse earlier in the year and the geomagnetic storms just now piqued the interest and captured the hearts of many across North America.  This design is to celebrate that phenomenon and recognize how it left a lasting impression! 

Sauce: Where would you like the proceeds from the sales of your hats to go?

Shu Mui: I would love to nominate Sea Legacy as the beneficiary.

Sauce: Thank you very much for your thoughtful and attractive design this year!